Saturday, June 14, 2008

False alarm...

I did what I was always worried I would do...I had a false alarm. I was down at my friend April's house last night and I was feeling contractions - still not painful - but I just felt funny - I lost all train of thought and was dizzy. I did not feel like myself. So, I called my midwife and she wanted to see me. we went to the hospital at 11:00 last night. I was hooked up to the monitors and I was having contractions about 5-7 minutes apart - but they just were not painful and not changing things down under. My blood pressure was 138/84...which is high for me since I usually stay about 90/55. They watched me for a few hours and when nothing changed - they asked me if I wanted to stay and be watched more or go home - and at that point it was 1:30 am and I wanted my bed! So...we left. I am still having the contractions - maybe a little more painful - but nothing to run back to the hospital for. So...that is the update - basically still waiting.

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