Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Rut-Row Shaggy...

As you can see Cole-man's hair was a tad long in the front. I realized that. But, I loved it! I like it long in the front. But, I knew that it was starting to bug him. But, I also knew if I tried to trim up the front I would screw it up! Last night as I was getting the kids bath ready I thought to myself, just cut his hair and get it over with. I HAVE NO IDEA WHY I WAS THINKING THAT?!?! A screaming, flailing two year + 1 pair of scissors = Cole looking like he could star in Dumb and Dumber. :(

Here are the pics...starts with before I got a hold of him, then what I did to the poor boy, lastly what the wonderful people at Pigtails and Crew cuts did to fix it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Just prescious. Yes, he was cute with long hair, but I think he sweats more than Tim ever did, so I am sure it is cooler shorter. He did look a lot like Dumb & Dumber!