The next couple of weeks is going to be big for Cole-Man. He has two procedures coming up that are not going to be too fun. This Monday we are going to the urologist to have Cole-Mans "little man" fixed. It is just a local on him, but it might be a little painful later on over the next week. Then, a week from that appt, Cole is finally getting tubes in his ears. We have been trying to hold off since our deductible for our insurance is so high and we thought over the summer they his ear infections would stop. But, they didn't so...he will be getting tubes. They will put him to sleep to do the 15 minutes procedure. Hopefully, this is help his poor little ears out.
Cole is now officially walking...which has made for more interesting times in our household. The other day Ellie and Cole were in the playroom playing and I heard them fighting so I went in there just in time to see them fighting and Cole look up at Ellie "grrr..." at her and then reach his little innocent hands out and PINCH HER! It was the funniest thing EVER! Of course, I could not laugh because Ellie fell in the floor acting like she was shot...but it was too funny to see him finally stick up for himself!
In other news, my Great-Grandma Wilma passed away this past Monday. She was 94 and lived in Conn. She was always so much fun to be around. I have so many memories of her when I was living at home. I remember going to her home in Royston, Ga and there was a creek that ran on her property and when we would get there she would have a big bucket of rocks waiting for us to throw in the creek and see the splash. She lived with us in Lilburn when I was in highschool and she I think we constantly entertained her and vice versa. The family is going up to Shelbyville, TN this weekend for her funeral. It will be good to see our family from Conn though!