Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Back to work for Jools!

I am really excited about a job that I got for this fall. I will be teaching a small class of 3-year olds at my church. They run a weekday preschool for 2-4 year olds and I have gotten the great opportunity to teach there. Not only do I get to teach there, I get to bring Cole with me and he will be in their two-year-old class for next to nothing per month! I start August 30 with pre-planning then I get students Sept 7. Unfortunately, I can only teach there until December because I will start student teaching in January. I have not heard where I am student teaching at but it will either be Mountain View High School, Mill Creek High School, or Collins Hill High School.

I am very thankful for this opportunity to be able to get some "practice" teaching before going into student teaching. I am sure any teacher out there would agree - it is nerve racking to think about getting up in that class for the first time. Yikes!! So, hopefully this will allow me to get my feet wet before January. Then, in May - I WILL BE DONE! YAY! I have applied for May 2011 graduation. I am taking the GACE in Special Ed this Saturday - so wish me luck! :/

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Rut-Row Shaggy...

As you can see Cole-man's hair was a tad long in the front. I realized that. But, I loved it! I like it long in the front. But, I knew that it was starting to bug him. But, I also knew if I tried to trim up the front I would screw it up! Last night as I was getting the kids bath ready I thought to myself, just cut his hair and get it over with. I HAVE NO IDEA WHY I WAS THINKING THAT?!?! A screaming, flailing two year + 1 pair of scissors = Cole looking like he could star in Dumb and Dumber. :(

Here are the pics...starts with before I got a hold of him, then what I did to the poor boy, lastly what the wonderful people at Pigtails and Crew cuts did to fix it.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Ellie's first day of Pre-K

I am so proud of my "baby". Not so much a baby anymore - and I am not sure when that happened. I can remember rocking Ellie in my recliner the day we brought her home thinking "I hope she is this small forever." Well, she did not stay that small. She has grown into a sweet, caring, and mature little girl. She is now going to school from 8:10 am till 3:00pm. It has been a big change for us all I think. A good one, though. Even if its only been 3 days, I find myself having more patience with both of the kids. I guess because just having one during the day is a BREEZE compared to two. I am thankful for the time I get just Cole and I too. Ellie had just mommy for 2 years so to give just mommy is nice.

Ellie loves school!! She is SO tired when she gets home. When we got in the car after the first day I asked her how her first day was. She replied "I had a GREAT day mommy" and in the middle of that short sentence she let out a big yawn. I thought to myself - job well done to her teachers! :)

Saturday, August 7, 2010

My little hyper man...

Today, after bootcamp Tim, Ellie, Cole, and I went to home depot to get some things for Cole's room (that STILL did not get finished...I need to stop coming up with ideas :/) Before we went to home depot we stopped at Arby's to grab some lunch. Tim got Sobe energy drink from the fountain machine...and of course - Cole wanted some. I guess without even thinking Tim gave him some. Within 10 minutes Cole was acting like he had been replaced with the Tasmanian Devil. The kid was BOUNCING OFF THE WALLS! He could not stop laughing - which if you are a mom or dad you know once your kids get can't help but join in too. I had tears running down my face from laughing so hard. He was jumping, singing, and laughing...and he was loving it! But, I think we will just try to stay away from the energy drinks next time... :)

PS- Ellie goes to her first day of Pre-K Monday...check back to see the pictures! YIKES!